Tuesday, June 16, 2009

"Use It Up, Wear It Out, Make It Do, or Do WITHOUT"

That shall be my motto for this year!

I'm not exactly the best at saving money and I don't even budget well (Ok, sometimes not at all). I spend money the second I get it. Ok, lets be honest I am a shopaholic! I shop when I'm sad, I shop when I'm mad, I shop when I'm happy, I shop before I go out, I shop ALL THE TIME! Its safe to say that this shopping business is the reason I'm living back at home with my parents! I have lists of all the things I want, I think that's normal though...right? By the time my paycheck is spent I already have a new list of the things I'll buy with my next check. It's not just the $300 pair of jeans, the $200 bathing suits, the $150 pair of shoes, and the $250 purses, it's also the many adventures I WANT to have. I want to travel the world! I want, I want, I want! Give me, Give me, Give me!

This is getting out of control. I don't remember always being like this. I spent a lot if not most of my money on other people. So what happened? I can think of a few things, that I won't mention.

Well, Its time to get a grip! I know dang well that I can't bring any of these things into the Celestial Kingdom (or any kingdom at that). I don't think Heavenly Father is really impressed with my darling $600 outfits. We've been warned not to get involved or be apart of worldly things, and I think that this is a perfect example of one of the many worldly things that sucks us in. I'm ready to be more humble and be more prayerful over the things which I spend my money on. Obviously there are the necessities but I will try harder to not go "all out". It is my goal for the rest of this year to be more thrifty, and not so high maintenance. I will humbly pray about how and where I should be spending my money. I will use it all up, wear it out, and make it do! I will be more selfless and less selfish!

I'm on my way to bigger and better things, even if I'm being thrifty! ......wish me luck!...haha....

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


I can't believe I'm actually posting these pictures, but I told Brianne I would. ;) I was working at Kidville Playtown for a while on the weekends, as a children's party host. I recently quit so that I could have my weekends free this summer. It was a fun and exhausting job though! Every now and then the job required dressing up in character, the kids love that part! Here are a few humiliating pictures for you to enjoy!

Old Woman!

Happy Birthday to Me! I had a nice birthday, nothing really amazing happened and nothing too terrible happened. I worked all day then came home and had dinner with my family, then did the cake thing. Every year it seems like someone always asks if I feel older and every year my answer is always no. I do feel older this year though, its a little strange. Not only do I feel older but my body apparently knows I'm older, a few days after my 25th birthday I found GREY HAIR!!!!!!!! This is NOT OK, it wasn't just one hair, I found FOUR! Today I found another. This is getting out of control. You better believe I cried before church on Sunday as I was sitting in front of the mirror plucking out my grey hairs! Not only is my hair turning grey but my eyes are getting worse! I made an appointment today with the eye doctor to get my eyes checked and probably a stronger lens in my glasses! What is happening!?! I'm ONLY 25! I probably shouldn't have stole the picture above but I just had too, this is going to be me in a couple of years! Yep, get a good look, here I come!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Memorial Weekend

This year for memorial weekend the Reed kids went up to LA area to visit with Dad, Conrade, Kaison, Uncle Rex and Aunt Margret and our cousin Krista. As soon as we got to Uncle Rex's we headed to huntington beach. Dad is looking and sounding good, which was nice to see for a change. Kaison is growing so fast and he is so stinkin cute! Pretty sure all of his aunts and uncles spoil him rotten! How can you help it though!?! He's sooooo cute!! Most of my pictures are of Kai.