Old Woman!

Happy Birthday to Me! I had a nice birthday, nothing really amazing happened and nothing too terrible happened. I worked all day then came home and had dinner with my family, then did the cake thing. Every year it seems like someone always asks if I feel older and every year my answer is always no. I do feel older this year though, its a little strange. Not only do I feel older but my body apparently knows I'm older, a few days after my 25th birthday I found GREY HAIR!!!!!!!! This is NOT OK, it wasn't just one hair, I found FOUR! Today I found another. This is getting out of control. You better believe I cried before church on Sunday as I was sitting in front of the mirror plucking out my grey hairs! Not only is my hair turning grey but my eyes are getting worse! I made an appointment today with the eye doctor to get my eyes checked and probably a stronger lens in my glasses! What is happening!?! I'm ONLY 25! I probably shouldn't have stole the picture above but I just had too, this is going to be me in a couple of years! Yep, get a good look, here I come!

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