Saturday, August 13, 2011
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Sunday, April 17, 2011
New Chapter: When California City Girl Meets Small Town Country Boy
Friday, April 1, 2011
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Happy New Year
Highlights of 2010 in no specific order:
Another precious nephew and a niece were born. Cadrian born to Conrade and Steva, and Amelia born to Tami and Kristina.
Moving to La Jolla and being in an amazing location, picnics and naps on the beach almost daily, roommate bike rides up and down the coast, late night talks with Angelique and the other roomies, endless house parties.
A couple of young and fun flings
Sacramento visits
Visit from Brianne
Girly girl Weekend in San Diego with Brianne and Claire
Going through the San Diego temple and receiving my endowment
My birthday weekend. Tim McGraw concert and Under the Sea party
My adventure in San Francisco. I flew up with no plans (so unlike me), got off the plane jumped on Bart and spent the day alone in the city exploring, talking with strangers, taking tours, and shopping.
Michael and Dayani’s wedding in the bay area. The whole family was able to be there.
Moving back to Poway and away from the dramatic and crazy roommates
Road trip to Salt Lake City for General Conference, visiting with family and friends
Reuniting with Austin in Salt Lake. Date night = Not sleeping and talking all night, tons of laughs, some happy tears, singing ridiculous songs, inside jokes, lots of fun. His visits to San Diego, my visits to Phoenix
Annual Fortner family Christmas Party!! I spent a weekend with Brandon’s family there are not enough words to explain how awesome it was to be with them
Temple trips with friends. Being at the temple when my sister Kandis went through for the first time
Ending things for good with Austin. Asking him to never contact me ever again unless he is proposing. I got the closure I needed since we reconnected and am now moving on.
Conrade, Kaison and Cadrian come to San Diego for a visit. Cadrian stayed for a few weeks and I went over to Mom’s a couple times a week to love on him! I’m a tad obsessed with my nephews and I miss them!
Mom’s birthday. Mom and I went to Glen Ivy for a day of relaxation and pampering
Visits to LA to spend time with Bekah and Michelle. I so love these friends of mine. Since Bekah’s husband was out on tour she got a babysitter one night and her and I went out on the town. We walked down Sunset Boulevard and explored Hollywood. Michelle and I went shopping during the day and I got to meet her daughter for the first time.
Being in the La Jolla ward and meeting a lot more people in San Diego. Making new friends.
Starting a kickball team, being team captain and then tearing my quad and not being able to play
Spending a day with Heather and Austin Perry (had to throw in that last name) at Mom’s house/Resort (Connie and Mike’s house)
Dating myself. I took myself on really fun dates in 2010. I figure if nobody else is going to do it I might as well because I deserve it and I’m worth it. Just for the record I am tons of fun!
A camping trip with Liz and Kandis that went all wrong. We should have known it was going south when we couldn’t even figure out how to set up the tent!
Knott’s Berry Farm with Grandma and Grandpa Reed, my dad and my siblings minus Conrade plus my cousin Nathanial and his girlfriend. Grandpa went on every wild ride, even the ones that terrified me. Totally shocking behavior from my grandpa, it was a blast.
Thanksgiving at Grandma Peg’s house. Everyone was able to make it except for Jenae, and Tami’s family. Late nights, long talks, tons of laughs, lots of noise, amazing food, and a lot of card and board games.
Latin dancing every Wednesday night at a club downtown. (Kind of a big deal since I don’t usually dance at all!)
Running my first 5k. It was to support a program that helps homeless youth
Things happening and things I’m looking forward to in 2011:
A new job! I’m going to be a Chiropractor's Assistant, and help manage his business. I’m so excited to not be at the same crappy company I’ve worked at for the past two years. It was horrible.
School. By the end of this year I’m going to have more school under my belt and be that much closer to getting my bachelors degree, or even an Associates for that matter. I’m happy to just be in school and get it done!
Another Nephew and Niece that we know of will be born this year. Conrade and Steva are having a girl due at the end of May and Trisha and Oscar are having a boy, she’s due May 12th.
My best friend is having her third baby
I’m planning another trip to the bay area to visit B’s family. Love them!
My birthday weekend!
I’m not really looking forward to this but I need to just say it and get used to it and be over it! I’m probably not going to be able to take any long vacations because I’ll be in school or broke because I’m paying for school.
The random things I’ll do to reward myself for minor accomplishments this year. Oh, I’m so good at that!
Things are different this year and life is changing for me. I’m excited, anxious, a tad scared, a bit frustrated with the way this school semester has started, but overall I am happy and grateful for my life and another year to live it.
Happy New Year Everyone!
Friday, May 21, 2010
Now is the time
Gordon B. Hinckley, "This Is the Work of the Master," Ensign, May 1995,
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Dating my roommate!